We've had a stray- probably feral- cat living in the shelter on the back landing since last Fall. She will sit by the window or the french doors to the deck and try to make friends with the cats that live in the house but she will run at just the sight of people. She has made her home on the back landing and seems quite happy to be there.
We have had some very cold days and nights, down to the minus 30s celsius. The best investment made was the microwave heating disc. Put it in the microwave for a few minutes, and then put it in the box we constructed, under the cat bed thats inside the box, and it keeps her and the inside of the box warm for up to 12 hours. Wrapping the whole section of the landing in a tarp (the blue in the picture) and then in plastic, keeps the wind and snow out.
We have just added a heated water dish. Luckily there is an electrical outlet on the landing, so with a long outdoor extension, she and other cats that come around, always have fresh water to drink.
This is not an ideal situation by any means. She should be inside. But it is impossible to get near her, even after all these months. And trying to capture her and failing might mean scaring her so much she would stay away all together and end up freezing to death somewhere. Its not a chance we want to take. She's safe, warm, gets regular food and water, and for now that's as good as it gets.