Called to breakfast. Didn't get upstairs fast enough, dog ate most of it. Now I only get low fat diet crunchies for the rest of the day. Am really pissed off. Which reminds me, I need to go again. See empty carton lying on the floor in the hallway. Humans are so careless, I'll show them. Peed in carton.
Going to have a nap and put this morning out of my mind. Dog sleeping in my favourite chair. Want to smack him but will probably get yelled at. Going down to sleep in Tiger's bed, I dare him to complain.
Can't nap, Tiger keeps hitting me on the head or jumping up and nipping at my bum. Chased him away but he'll be back. Moved to corner in basement.
Had a good nap. Came up to look out the window for awhile. Saw strange cat on my deck. Yowled, howled, and hissed at him to get out of my yard. Got yelled at.
Had a good supper. Ran around and knocked a few things over. Feeling better until human saw pee in carton. Got yelled at.
Going to bed and pull the covers over my head.
My name is Max and I've had a bad day.